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Secure Icon


Detect threats, protect data, and rapidly recover from cyber attacks.

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Recover from cyber attacks 10x faster.

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Trusted by the world’s largest organizations.

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AI insights icon


Unlock the power of your data with our Gen AI capabilities.

Secure Icon


Detect threats, protect data, and rapidly recover from cyber attacks.

  • Built-in AI-powered threat detection, immutability, and instant mass restore thwarts ransomware attacks.
  • Protect your data with Zero Trust principles, including strict access and administrative controls, encryption, MFA, and quorum.
  • Integration with leading security ecosystem partners automates and extends protection.
Speed icon


Recover from cyber attacks 10x faster.

  • Instantly recover hundreds of files, objects, and VMs at scale.
  • Reduce recovery time objectives (RTO) to minutes.
  • Get data instantly back online from cloned backups, and access them immediately without having to move or restore data.
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Trusted by the world’s largest organizations.

  • Software defined, hyperconverged platform easily supports multi-petabyte deployments.
  • Scales horizontally and vertically to manage increasing volumes of data and users.
  • Broad support for hundreds of data sources, including VMware, Oracle, SQL, M365, NAS environments, and popular cloud data services.
AI insights icon


Unlock the power of your data with our Gen AI capabilities.

  • Gain insights from your enterprise data with simple Q&A search experiences, powered by industry-first Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) capabilities.
  • Consolidate enterprise data and make it available for AI initiatives—securely—in minutes.
  • Secure and protect the privacy of data used by both AI models and the workforce.