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Reveal insights from unstructured data with Cohesity Gaia

Make smarter business decisions faster using RAG AI (privately!) on your own data  

Organizations grapple with huge volumes of data. Handling it manually is time-consuming, expensive, and incomplete, often leaving valuable insights hidden in unstructured formats like emails, documents, and presentations.

Enter Cohesity Gaia.

Cohesity Gaia taps into your backup data to unlock valuable insights quickly, securely, and privately.

Watch this demo of our groundbreaking, AI-powered enterprise search assistant. Cohesity Gaia is equipped with RAG AI, which enables LLMs to generate more knowledgeable, diverse, and relevant responses.

Through a regulatory compliance use case demo, you’ll discover how to:

  • Quickly scan through years of documents and generate summaries in minutes
  • Create a visual map of your dataset so you can ask your data relevant questions
  • Streamline data forensics to strengthen your decision-making
Shelly Calhoun Jones Headshot

Shelly Calhoun-Jones
Principal Technologist,

Paula Dallabetta

Paula Dallabetta
Senior Product Marketing Manager,

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