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The Constant Shifts in Attack Surface and the Impact on Cybersecurity

White paper in partnership with ATARC

Challenges with shifting attack surfaces

If you were asked to define ‘attack surface’, how would you answer? You’d likely say the attack surface is exposure to any hostile entity, including:

  • Internet gateways
  • Third-party code
  • Data transition points

But is that sufficient?

In partnership with Cohesity, the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC) recently hosted a roundtable of government experts to discuss how advanced technologies, hostile actor sophistication and social engineering has forced us to look at the term “attack surface” in a different light.
In this white paper summarizing the rountable’s findings, learn more about:

  • Defining and managing the challenges with shifting attack surfaces threatening your agency
  • Understanding how attack surfaces have evolved to become much more complex
  • Discovering how the shifts in attack surface may be an opportunity to improve and reimagine operations

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